My bucket list

1.  Move to a country and re-start.  Twice.  ***EDIT***  A friend of mine has suggested that I’ve done this – England and then back to regional Australia.  Not sure…

2. Adopt a puppy.  (Bella, March 2014)

3.  See Paris, Rome, Ferrarro, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, Bath, Nottingham, London City, New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Auschwitz, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Dubai, Egypt, Thailand, Bali, Fiji and I will probably add to this list once I get travelling.  **EDIT** Complete my travel wishlist, though it will grow forever.

4.  Go to the airport and catch the next flight out, regardless of where it’s going, with just a backpack.

5. Write a book.

6.  Kiss in the rain so I can say I’ve done it but don’t understand why it’s attractive.

7.  Ride an elephant.- Bali, October 2014

8.  Talk to a random on a train.

9.  Teach in a Pupil Referral Unit, At Risk school, or other last-stop school and make a difference

10. Do my Masters in Positive Psychology, preferably in the USA

11. Complete a post-grad in Sexology and Clinical Psychology

12.  Do my PhD

13. Do a workshop with the Freedom Writers Association

14. Teach in a rural/remote area  (Kalgoorlie, 2013)

15.  Own my own home (Wembley, November 2014)

16.  Paint a mural over an entire wall

17.  teach at uni level. **Edit** Supervised preservice teachers… not quite but nearly!

18.  Learn to sew. **Edit** made my bridesmaid dresses with mum.

19.  have a child. *Edit. Matt and I have decided not to have children.

20.  See the sun rise and set over the beach in the same day

21.  Climb a mountain and listen to the quiet.

22.  Physically build my own home

23. Run a marathon

24.  See the Sistine Chapel, the Mona Lisa, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Parthenon, and all the 7 Wonders of the World

25.  Drive around Australia

26.  See the Kimberleys

27.  Sleep under the stars

28.  Donate blood

29.  Understand the Muslim religion

30.  Trace my family tree as far back as I can – preferably to the Chapel of Roslyn founders or further.

31.  Learn to speak Spanish and French fluently

32.  Cuddle a tiger

33.  Complete my Masters in Education

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